Le cercle des fermières du Québec

The Quebec Women's Circle

The Cercle des Fermières du Québec is an organization founded in 1915 that aims to promote domestic arts, education and family well-being. But what exactly does this organization do and how can it benefit the community?

What is the mission of the Cercle des Fermières du Québec?

The mission of the Cercle des Fermières du Québec is to promote traditional know-how, to promote women's autonomy and to contribute to the sustainable development of communities. By encouraging the learning and transmission of artisanal techniques, the organization plays a key role in the preservation of Quebec's cultural heritage.

What activities are offered by the Cercle des Fermières du Québec?

Members of the Cercle des Fermières du Québec have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, such as sewing, knitting, cooking, gardening and craft workshops. These activities allow members to acquire new skills, build social connections and get involved in their community.

How does the Cercle des Fermières du Québec contribute to the community?

In addition to offering educational and cultural activities, the Cercle des Fermières du Québec is actively involved in social and humanitarian projects. Through fundraising, clothing and food donations, and volunteering, the organization provides valuable support to people in need and helps improve the quality of life of local communities.

How to become a member?

This non-profit organization is one of thelargest women's associations in Quebec with 30,000 members and 600 Circles.
To become a member, you must first find the circle in your area and then fill out a form. The chosen circle will contact you for further details.

To find your circle and fill out the form, click here .

In conclusion, the Cercle des Fermières du Québec plays an essential role in preserving artisanal traditions, empowering women and strengthening community ties. By becoming a member of this organization, you will have the opportunity to get involved in enriching activities, contribute to the well-being of your community and perpetuate a precious cultural heritage.

To learn more, check out their website here. Facebook page . Instagram account .


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